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Life in the lineup

BY Sonny Orr Apr 24, 2020

Whew! A lot of snow fell last night and I spent half the day working just to get out the front door. It’s not that I had anywhere to go, but it was fun being outside. A massive snow dump on most of eastern North America had people in awe at what Mother Nature could dole out. My sore, aching arms are a testament to her power. 

The toll of the winter storm had many people lined up outside to brave the long wait for the mail. I queued for a minute and then went home to put on some warmer clothing. It was a good call as I waited another 20 minutes or so. I then trudged back home only to see other colleagues making their way around, so we had a quick six-foot meeting. It felt good to do some work as most nonessential services are shut down. I rushed home to see if I had received any emails, then decided to give everyone some more time distancing from me. After all, it was 4:30 in the afternoon. 

At home, the caring for the little one continued. I now have a great appreciation for our daycares and their dedicated staff. The loud noises of the heavy equipment removing the snow brought all the kids to the window. I’ve learned how to slow cook my food and to eat them appreciatively. 

On occasion we hit the camp for some old-fashioned wild meat and fresh air, but the last storm put a hold on that. We’re now waiting for warmer weather and the promise of a good spring hunt. I’m just happy I can drive to the store to line up.

One good fortune is that all the usual things that we took for granted but didn’t really need are now helping with the bank balance. No bingo, no casinos, no alcohol. But what can you do with cash money these days? Cash is slowly disappearing as it looks like tapping the card for payment will be the norm. So anyone who uses cash only might have some difficulties ahead. Disinfecting every bill might be the only option – giving the term money laundering a real meaning for those who must handle it. It’s a good thing that most bills are plastic and can be washed easily. 

I’m finding that online shopping might be easier in the long run. But I say support local businesses. Keep the money in town and increase it the way it was supposed to be growing. 

For me, I should shop for some faltering stocks in the exchange, maybe in the water business, as it’s now more expensive than gas. That’s the case down south, where no one can drive around without being issued a ticket for fraternizing on four wheels. 

Well, I’m hoping for a solution to the world’s problems and that we can be part of that solution. Stay healthy, my friends.

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Sonny Orr is Cree from Chisasibi, and has been a columnist for the Nation for over 20 years. He regularly pens Rez Notes from the cozy social club in Whapmagoostui where he resides.