Every year I wonder why there aren’t more Crees attending the Montreal Outdoor, Hunting and Fishing exhibition. It also adds a little anticipation to the annual spring goose hunt.
Seeing the latest rifles and shotguns is always interesting. While there wasn’t much new, you can tell the manufacturers are looking at new markets. Some guns are specifically designed for women, with a wider range of colours and styles. Other guns seem to be built for the younger crowd.
There was even one that my over-sized four-year-old could have handled had I let him. Trust me on this, even though there were no shells and it had a trigger lock he would have found a way around it.
Yes, the show is kid friendly and even has a mascot. He loved touching the fur of the many animals at the show, both live and stuffed.

Declan’s fascination with live geese gave me a chance to teach him to use goose calls – with hilarious results. Goose callers such as Recall Designs and others started calling, the geese were calling and we attracted a small crowd that thought we were part of the show. I was a little red-faced from laughing when a person asked me where I taught or learned how to do this. My calls are mediocre at best compared to my uncles and most of my cousins.
Ron Simard, his wife and three-month-old baby were on hand to promote the Broadback Fishing Camp. Simard was happy with the response booking some clients and having many others taking information and saying they were interested.

I was particularly impressed with a snowmobile sleigh offered by a company called Off-Road Center. The most expensive was only $950. Most others cost $2,000, I’m told. This one had a large tractor-like vehicle run over it. You could see the sides bend and the sled assumed a V-shape for a few moments and then sprang back into its original shape. A definite choice for the hunter, trapper or other person on the land in winter.

Another item I wished I had when I was young was the outboard motor backpack. I still remember how that motor was hard to balance at times and the metal would dig into certain parts of my body. A great idea that should have been obvious a long time ago.
Don’t forget to look for our ad in this issue where we partner with Recall Designs to give you a chance to win a handmade goose call. And try to make it out to the next Outdoor, Hunting and Fishing Show. It’s a great time to look at what’s new and old, yet still useful, in the things we all love to do.