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Melly Chlistmas

BY Will Nicholls Dec 18, 2020

Another year comes to an end. The yearly solstice celebration, aka Christmas, is upon us. Then the days get longer, and eventually the sun will once again brighten and warm our souls and bodies. Hope abounds as Covid-19 vaccines promise an end to this grinding pandemic. In the meantime, stay healthy and take care. 

Even Santa is doing that. Did you know he quit smoking? Apparently, it was bad for his elf. Hardy har har. There are better Christmas jokes but none we can share on these pages.

So far, the Cree communities have been lucky, and we all hope it stays that way. Less fortunate are those down south in the red zones. It is almost like being in prison, including, in some cases, in solitary confinement. They haven’t been able to see friends or family for many months. Please remember them at Christmas time and give them a call or FaceTime them. We all know that it’s needed during this holiday season.

Don’t forget to include those who may be lonely in your own communities. The holiday is a time of sharing. Sharing of yourself is more important than any other gifts you could give this year.

A few people on Facebook are worried about possible side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine. Indeed, there can be some side effects. A new Pfizer analysis, carried out by the US Food and Drug Administration, said that many volunteers who received the vaccine felt ill in the hours after the second dose. The FDA suggested that people might have to request a day off work and/or be prepared to rest until the symptoms subside. 

More than half of recipients aged 16 to 55 developed fatigue, and more than half also reported headaches. Just over a third felt chills, and 37% felt muscle pain. 

However, people receiving the vaccination should realize that the unpleasant side effects are a sign that the vaccine is working. Those side effects are also temporary. The big picture is that the vaccine is 95% effective against Covid-19. So, don’t be afraid to take it and keep yourself and your loved ones safe in the coming year.

My grandmother and many of her generation couldn’t pronounce the ‘r’ used in non-Cree languages so they all said a Melly Chlistmas. That’s why we at the Nation wish you a velly Melly Chlistmas and the best as is possible during this unique holiday season. 

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Will Nicholls is a Cree from Mistissini. He started his career off in radio and is still one of the youngest radio DJ’s in Canadian history, having a regular show on CFS Moosonee at the age of 12. Will was one of the founding members of the Nation, and has been its only Editor-in-Chief.