Overnight fire destroys Nemiscau camp cafeteria
The cafeteria at the Nemiscau work camp, 18 kilometres from the Cree community of Nemaska, burned down on the night of January 30
The cafeteria at the Nemiscau work camp, 18 kilometres from the Cree community of Nemaska, burned down on the night of January 30
Since the completion of the second phase of the La Grande Complex in the 1990s, eelgrass, a perennial flowering underwater plant and staple food for migrating geese, has been on the decline in coastal Eeyou Istchee.
A major infrastructure project is in the works between Hydro-Québec and Central Maine Power (CMP) that could see more Canadian energy exported to the US as early as 2022
The Board of Compensation (BOC) recently elected Derrick Neeposh as its new chairperson
Justice continues to be an elusive creature beginning when colonial powers first imposed their systems upon Indigenous peoples around the world
Over 1000 men participated in a national event in Ottawa this past October to fast, wear moose hide patches, rally together and talk about how they can contribute to ending violence against women and children.
The Viens Commission finally visited the place where a crisis in confidence in Quebec’s provincial police began three years ago, as the public inquiry into the mistreatment of Indigenous people in Quebec heard testimony at the Val-d’Or music conservatory October 15-26
McGill University is facing growing pressure to change the Redmen name of its male varsity sports teams, which has been used for nearly a century.