Moose population declines in areas surrounding Eeyou Istchee
With the fall moose hunt on the horizon, some alarming news is coming from the south and west of Eeyou Istchee.
With the fall moose hunt on the horizon, some alarming news is coming from the south and west of Eeyou Istchee.
After nine and a half years of running Lemon Cree, Theresa Ducharme says she finally feels like she has found the “missing link,” when it comes to changing people’s lives through her original fitness program
In May, Kevin Brousseau officially became a doctor when he graduated from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM).
The return of Cree babies being born on Cree land – surrounded by the women in their family and community – is something Cree Elders have advocated for since it stopped in 1997.
A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal reveals that food insecurity in northern Canada skyrocketed after a policy change under the former Conservative government of Stephen Harper
Recently released results from a 2016 study reveal remarkable insights into the diet, nutrition and environment of First Nations peoples living on-reserve across Canada – who hadn’t been included in previous national health and nutrition studies.
The Canadian Paediatric Society is now recommending the introduction of foods such as peanuts and eggs for at-risk children as young as six months – provided a healthcare practitioner capable of diagnosing and treating an allergic reaction is accessible.
The updated Canada Food Guide was released in January and at first glance it may appear that following the new plant-heavy guidelines could be a challenge for residents of the north
Beginning this winter, residents of the Nunavik village of Kuujjuaq will have the chance to eat locally grown fresh produce harvested from a new year-round greenhouse container
It takes more than the loss of a leg to stop Robert Baribeau.