Maachestan worries
There is a great deal of anxiety around Maachestan, the Cree word for “spring break-up”. There are so many variables and chance events that can turn an average break-up event into a disaster.
There is a great deal of anxiety around Maachestan, the Cree word for “spring break-up”. There are so many variables and chance events that can turn an average break-up event into a disaster.
Saviez-vous que la langue française est plus forte qu’elle ne l’a jamais été au Québec? Oui, c’est vrai. It’s unlikely most people know this fact, because for the past several years a steady drumbeat of apocalyptic disinformation about the imminent death of the French language has dominated the news media in Quebec.
There’s an old comedy bit by the late Canadian comedian Norm Macdonald about a friend of his who’s suffering from the disease of alcoholism. It begins with Macdonald telling his buddy that he has the best disease because he gets to drink all the time.
The roar of an old snowmobile cuts through the early pre-sunrise fog. Its distinct sound of muffled cracking accentuates the quiet drone of a two-stroke engine. Then the total silence is briefly renewed when the motor is cut off before some quiet talk can be heard between a few shadowy figures. Another sled draws up close, this one a quietly efficient four-stroker.
Recently I had conversations with friends’ family about how important it is to help others, especially those who are marginalized and who have addictions. We agreed on the fact that too many Indigenous people deal with addictions because of colonization and racism.
Waskaganish held a referendum April 30 to decide whether to limit quantities of alcohol for personal use and perhaps allow the sale of alcohol at certain events. As we went to press before that date, I don’t have the results as I write.
The first goose hunt I went on wasn’t in the spring, but rather in the fall as the geese were heading south. You see, at the time my father was based at CFS Moosonee as the Assistant Fire Chief. He was an avid fisherman and hunter. So, when he felt I was old enough he took me goose hunting to the bottom of the James Bay.
I often talked about the fact that when I got sober almost five years ago, I really thought my life would get easier instantly and that most of my problems were because of the addictions I developed to cope with trauma. I was expecting to do much better overall, especially socially, but as time went on, I realized there was still something off about me.
Ahhhh… the sound of water dripping off icicles hanging from power lines, the slight crackling sound of electricity grounding out on a vehicle. Wait, isn’t this an ice storm?
To commemorate Cree Language Month this March, the Grand Council of the Crees honoured language experts and advocates like Luci Salt on social media. Salt has played a pioneering role in Cree language preservation for over 40 years, working with the Cree School Board and every other major Cree institution as well as the provincial and federal governments.